Monday, April 14, 2008

So this is the beginning!

I have always wanted to travel. It has been a dream of mine since I was a little girl. Maybe the gypsy in me is coming out? Maybe it is my inability to stay in one place for an extended period of time? All I know is, that it is about time!

The first leg of my year or years of travel will start in La Paz, Bolivia. I will be flying into the city and meeting Jackie, a kindred spirit and world traveler. She has already been in Brazil for the past month, and quite ready to see a familiar face. She is my savior, she not only is a dear friend but is fluent in about 4 languages (good thing because my limited french and minimal spanish are pretty pathetic). She also is the only reason that I am going to South America before going to Europe (where I don't stick out like such a sore thumb!).

So, we are meeting in Bolivia and then..... the adventure begins. I don't think that we have a specific plan. I do know that we will be trying to go to some of the touristy spots, like Lake Titicaca ( we live in tahoe so it is only natural that we go to a lake that is at 12,000 some odd feet above sea level) and then off to climb to Machu Picchu.

Hold on tight, and disregard any lack of punctuation or grammatical errors. I have been out of school for almost an entire semester! :)


Tommy said...

I am so psyched you decided to go on this trip. You are going to have the time of your life, and I can't wait to hear about the adventures!!! I'll check in with you from time to time (here and on e-mail) to see how you're doing.

Love ya, T.

Adam Sherman, GPSS Vice President said...

I have to say, that this seems like an excellent idea. There is no other time in your life when this will be so easy - before kids, before the mortgage, before you are sore and aching body has betrayed you. I have been in Mali, West Africa for 2 years and seven months now. I am tired and ready to go home. But there is almost nothing in the world that I would trade my experience for. My first inclination was to give you some profoundly insightful advice. But then I remembered how personal traveling is and that you should experience it. I'll look forward to hearing about you and all your adventures!

Sarah Alway said...

Oooooh! I am jealous! This is something I've always wanted to do, I look forward to reading about your adventures!